Monday, May 17, 2010

She Rolled Over!

Here are some pics from the day we brought her home vs. now.

So Kadence started rolling over on Saturday. She is growing up so fast I cant believe it. Shes getting so big.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Vicious Cycle!

So Kadence is teething and yesterday she had all the effects:
  • slight fever
  • runny nose
  • fussy
  • clingy
  • increased nursing
  • interrupted sleep
  • slobbering(which she has been doing for while)
  • and chewing on everything
Last night was a bit trying...Kadence was so unhappy and I couldnt do anything to help her really. I gave her some tynelol and oragel but she was just feeling miserable. So Kadence hates the nose sucker more than anything. When she sees it coming at her she throws her head from side to side and pushes my hand away. It makes it difficult but it has to be done.
 Poor Kadence she is having the hardest time breathing because of her running nose. Before we went to bed I went and cleared her nose. We went to bed but when she has a stuffy nose I dont sleep cause I just stay up and listen to her breathe to make sure shes ok. Her nose was almost stuffed up so at 1am I went and sucked everything out and of course it woke her up. So we went and watched TV for an hour then went back to bed. Every hour or so Kadence would wake up because she couldnt breathe with her pacifier in her mouth. So sleeping and eating have been difficult for awhile. Its hard when you cant breathe. So the vicious cycle began early this morning. I start to clear her nose and she was crying which made more snot. So no matter how long I tried I could never get it all. It never ends! Shes exhausted from not sleeping which makes her really needing and fussy. Does the snot ever end?! Today is going to be an adventure. I just hope it ends soon. It hurts my heart to see Kadence not feeling well:(

Mothers Day!

So Mothers Day was so awesome! First of all, My brother and sister came into town for the weekend. It was a surprise for my mom so Seth and I picked them up from the airport at 11pm and my mom was so surprised. I wish I could have gotten a picture of her face:) So this weekend was a blast and we had the best dinner on sunday night. Pork tenderloin, steak, baked potatoes, salad...YUM!
So for Mothers day Kadence and I made something for my mom and mother-in-law. I wish I had pictures. We went to the local ceramic store and for my mother-in-law we painted a shoe that can hold something, and put Kadence's footprint in it! And I will tell you that getting a footprint from a 4 month old is not easy! And for my mom, we painted a star box and put Kadence's handprint on it. And it is harder to get a handprint than a footprint...But they were really cute! Wish I took pics!
And lastly...I would persomally have to say the most exciting part, is that Seth got the me P90X home workout program! I am so excited to start it! We should get it this week. And I am so looking forward to getting sexy again...haha. Seth and I are going to go on a strict diet and workout everyday. The great thing about the p90x is that it is only an hour a day and I get to stay home and do it. Not travel 20 minutes to the gym across town. So because Seth and I are going on a diet, we have been kinda bingeing. Fat food taste so good, but soon will come to an end for a long time... I am so excited and I love my husband so much for getting it for me:)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Latest Goals

So I have three short terms goals that I would love to have done by the fall.
First, I am trying hard to get a rhythm  down for cleaning the house and keeping it clean! Our apartment isnt that big but I hate to clean. I have been cleaning a bit every night before bed hoping that things would stay a little cleaner. Its still a work ing progress. Im hoping i the next couple months I will have the taking care of Kadence, myself and the house down!
Second, I want to lose inches and tone up my body. For the last 2 months I have been going to the gym almost everyday and havent lost much weight. Ive lost some inches from the pregnancy and my legs are really toned now. Thats probably because I have only been doing cardio at the gym. On monday I started doing only 40 minutes are cardio then doing some weights. Im hoping the muscle confusion theory will help me get better results. Yesterday Seth said he is going to order the P90X once he gets paid again. I am so excited! I pray that I get the results im looking for with that program.
Third, I want to go back to school. When you have to go to school, like high school, it sucks. But when its your choice to go its so much fun. I loved the semester I went to. Its been a year and a half since Ive going to school and I miss it alot. I want to go back in the Fall, part time so I can still take care of Kadence, and eventually get my degree in nursing. It has always been my dream to be a labor and delivery nurse and I want to begin the journey towards that dream:)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

So i've decided to create a blog and see how it goes. I love to write and this is so
 much easier than keeping a journal. Its my goal to make an entry every week if not more frequently. So here it goes!

So in the latest news, Kadence is growing so fast! She is not 13 lbs and 25 inches! She has grown 6 inches! Its amazing how fast babies grow. Kadence got her first shots a little bit ago and she did so amazing. She cried for about 15 seconds. She was 
such a champ. I cant believe how good she was. Iv heard about babies who cry for hours and are upset for days. She didnt do any of that. I am so proud of her. Lately Kadence can't get enough of her toes! She loves to eat them. It is so much fun to watch her grab her foot and just gnaw at her toes.   I
t always makes me smile:) Also recently she has started eating rice cereal, oatmeal, and stage one baby food. She hates the cereal unless I put some food in it! Shes definitely one that enjoys more flavor! All my life I have wanted to be a mom and I cant believe that I am! It is truly the best calling in the world. I love my baby so much and I couldnt ask for a better daughter.